XNUMX Updated: XNUMX Best XNUMXD Animation Software [Free/Paid]

Wenn Sie es versuchen make funny cartoons within seven steps, explainer videos, or informative shorts to post online, 2D-Animationssoftware can come in handy. With access to a XNUMXD animation maker, you can create intricate and interesting stories that will help you connect with your audience.

Ob du bist Fotos in Zeichentrickfilme verwandeln, teaching a group of kids, showing employees how to do their job, introducing a new product, or trying to elicit an emotional reaction from your audience, XNUMXD cartoon animation kann sehr nützlich sein.

If you are new to the world of XNUMXD animation as a beginner and want to be a professional animation maker, you will be interested in our review of the top XNUMX free download XNUMXD animation software options that may prove useful to you.

Recommend free download animation maker FilmoraToolPro

If you want to create a XNUMXD animation video, we recommend using XNUMXD animation software-FilmoraToolPro.

It is a powerful and straightforward video maker for all levels from middle to advanced. With keyframing, you can make smooth XNUMXD animation quickly. Automatische Farbkorrektur can save you a lot of time to make high-quality animation.

Jetzt kostenlos herunterladen Windows und Mac to make XNUMXD animated videos, and connect with other video creators in the FilmoraTool Video-Community to get more creative ideas. 

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Werfen Sie einen kurzen Blick auf die 10 besten kostenlosen/kostenpflichtigen 2D-Animationssoftware zum Herunterladen

Nein. Produktname Unterstützte Betriebssysteme Preis Beste für
1 Synfig Windows, Linux und OSX Frei Anfänger
2 opentoonz Windows und OSX Frei Anfänger
3 Maefloresta iPhone und Android Frei Anfänger
4 Bleistift 2D Windows, Linux und OSX Frei Anfänger
5 Toon Boom Harmony Windows, Linux und OSX $ Pro Monat 109 Berufserfahrene
6 CelAction2D Windows, Linux und OSX $XNUMX for one single license Berufserfahrene
7 Moho (Anime Studio) Pro Windows und OSX $XNUMX for the full package Berufserfahrene
8 Stoppen Sie Motion Studio Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS $XNUMX for the full package Berufserfahrene
9 Daumenkino Windows und OSX 19.99 $/49.99 $/149.99 $/199.99 $ Berufserfahrene
10 Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator Windows und OSX $XNUMX for the pipeline, $XNUMX for pro Berufserfahrene

 Teil 1  Best Free XNUMXD Animation Software for Beginners

 01  Synfig – Open Source XNUMXD Animation Software for Beginners

Preis: Frei

Kompatibilität: Windows, Linux und OSX

Pro: It offers more than XNUMX layers to make simple or advanced animation, so you don’t need to worry about its limitation though it is free to use.

Nachteile: Few tutorials are available in the market to start making an animation for beginners.

Synfig Studio is an open-source, free XNUMXD animation software that is the perfect place for beginners to learn about XNUMXD animation. There are two versions available for free download – stable and testing.

The testing version has some experimental features if users want to try those ahead of their introduction into the stable release.


  • Unterstützt mehrere Inhaltsebenen
  • Das Knochensystem ermöglicht die Erstellung von Ausschnittanimationen aus Bitmap-Bildern
  • Verfügt über Soundunterstützung, um das Hinzufügen und Synchronisieren von Kommentaren und/oder Musik zum Video zu ermöglichen

 02  opentoonz – Free-to-Use Effects for XNUMXD Animation

Preis: Frei

Kompatibilität: Windows und OSX

Pro: You can use a plug-in to make beautiful animation effects automatically without further editing.

Nachteile: The UI design is outdated compared with other animation software, but it won’t affect user experience.

Based on the Toonz software, Opentoonz is the best free alternative that will help you create XNUMXD animated content. Anyone can use the software, free of charge, and download it.

And users can modify the source code to add specific features to this simple animation software.


  • GTS-Scan-Tool
  • Möglichkeit, Bildstile zu ändern
  • Fügen Sie Verzerrungen und Lichteffekte hinzu
  • Kompatibel mit Schwarzweiß- und Farbscans

 03  Maefloresta – Easy-to-Use XNUMXD Animation Software on Phone

Preis: Frei

Kompatibilität: iPhone und Android

Pro: It is free to use with easy to start introduction, even for kids.

Nachteile: You need to email its staff to get the installer online, which is inconvenient sometimes.

The beauty of the Maefloresta app is that you can use your Android or iOS tablet and smartphone to create free XNUMXD animated videos.

There is no need to pay for expensive software if you just want to create some fun videos to show your friends. It also offers school solutions for teachers and students.


  • The free downloadable app that works on smartphones and tablets
  • Easy animation software with tutorials
  • Intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, die Anfänger problemlos verwenden können

 04  Bleistift 2D – Cross-Platform Software with Intuitive Interface

Preis: Frei

Kompatibilität: Windows, Linux und OSX

Pro: It offers English, Spanish, and Portuguese language tutorials to use.

Nachteile: It doesn’t support the shapes tool. If you like to make shapes and draw something, you’d be disappointed.

Want an open-source and free XNUMXD animation design software to help you create videos? PencilXNUMXD animation is the type of program that can help beginners.

You can get to grips with how XNUMXD animation works, and you can create some very fun and interesting videos along the way.


  • Minimalist design to let you make animation easily
  • Raster- und Vektor-Workflow-Umschaltung
  • Plattformübergreifende Kompatibilität zum kostenlosen Download

Part XNUMX: Best Professional XNUMXD Animation Software

 05  Toon Boom Harmony – Leading Animation Software for Professional

Preis: Die ersten 21 Tage der Nutzung des Produkts sind kostenlos. Nach Ablauf der 21 Tage müssen Sie 109 $ pro Monat bezahlen.

Kompatibilität: Windows, Linux und OSX

Pro: You can make XNUMXD and XNUMXD animation, both with models.

Nachteile: It may take some time to learn how to make XNUMXD animation for beginners.

Whether you are trying to create an art piece, showcase a story through XNUMXD images, or craft a unique message for your audience, Toon Boom Harmony will help you immensely.

This professional XNUMXD animation software may take time to learn, but it is worth using. It has bitmap and vector tools for creating art, XNUMXD imported models for hybrid productions, and the option to create multiplane scenes with Z-depth.

Sie können auch das überprüfen Toon Boom Harmony Advanced Review from the TopTenReview website for more information.


  • Revolutionäre Technologie zum Zeichnen von Vektoren und Bitmaps – Brush Engine
  • Erweiterte Farbpaletten und Maloptionen
  • XNUMXD and XNUMXD integration to make professional animation
  • Cut-out-Animationswerkzeuge
  • Traditionelle papierlose Animation.

 06  CelAction2D – Low System Requirement for Professional XNUMXD Animation

Preis: If you go with the Studio Edition, it costs $XNUMX to obtain a single license to use the product for a lifetime. Studio Edition is $XNUMX for one single license

Kompatibilität: Windows, Linux und OSX

Pro: It is fast to use with low system requirements.

Nachteile: You can draw animation in itself, so you need to import all words from third-party software.

Want to create unique and complex XNUMXD animations for your upcoming projects? CelActionXNUMXD is the type of product that is going to help you create wonderful and professional animations.

While getting a full license is a financial commitment, you are getting a product that has all the features that you could need.

You can create a palette using up to XNUMX million colors, and you will have a very easy time getting to grips with the way the software works.

It is designed for beginners and intermediate users, but still has all the advanced features that a pro would want.


  • Easy and fast to use for professional users
  • Verfügt über ergonomische Bedienelemente
  • Bewältigt problemlos komplexe Projekte mit Tausenden von Ebenen
  • Funktioniert mit allen modernen Windows-Maschinen – 32 und 64-Bit. Funktioniert auch mit Macs über Boot Camp
  • The multiplane camera features let you have more controls

 07  Moho (Anime Studio) Pro – All-In-One Professional XNUMXD Animation Software

Preis: $399.99 für das komplette Paket.

Kompatibilität: Windows und OSX

Pro: Its update is regular with advanced and newest features to use.

Nachteile: It is not user-friendly for beginners as the functions are too advanced a little bit.

Anime Studio Pro is a fantastic option for anyone who is looking to get into professional XNUMXD animation creation. It is affordable and designed for Flash-style animations.

While you cannot create frame-by-frame animations using this program, you will be able to create some fantastic videos nonetheless.

There is an Anime Studio Debut – simple animation software, which is targeted towards the beginner user and free download. But if you want all the features of a high-end XNUMXD animation software, you will want to go with the Pro version.


  • Verbesserte Freihandzeichenwerkzeuge
  • Beizer Griffe, um es Ihnen einfacher zu machen, Ihre Videos so zu gestalten, wie Sie es möchten
  • Die intelligente Warp-Funktion hilft beim Erstellen benutzerdefinierter Netze zum Biegen und Verdrehen Ihrer Animationen
  • Realistische Bewegungsunschärfe
  • Animation für mehrere Ebenen gleichzeitig

 08  Stoppen Sie Motion Studio – Fun and Well Designed XNUMXD Animation Software

Preis: 59.99 $, um die Software auf Ihren PC herunterzuladen.

Kompatibilität: Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS

Pro: You can use a built-in sound to make your animation unique. You can also record voice and use it in the video.

Nachteile: You can only use it to make XNUMXD stop motion animation.

Want to create fun, XNUMXD animated videos? Hoping to impress your bosses with a XNUMXD animated presentation to highlight a product’s features?

Using Stop Motion Studio will help you achieve all that you want in the world of XNUMXD animation.

You can capture content with ease, whether you change up the focus, exposure, or white balance. There is DSLR support, so you can use your high-end camera in conjunction with this professional software.

Und mit einem einzigartigen Bild-für-Bild-Editor können Sie das gewünschte Ergebnis für Ihren 2D-Stopp-Animationsfilm erzielen.


  • Onionskin ermöglicht es Ihnen, vorherige Frames durch eine transparente Überlagerung anzuzeigen, was Ihnen hilft, Ihren nächsten Frame zu erstellen
  • Kommt mit Chroma-Key und Audioaufnahme, um Ihre Videos besser zu kommentieren und Spracheffekte hinzuzufügen
  • Einfaches Hochladen mit einem Klick auf YouTube und Facebook
  • DSLR-Kameraunterstützung für die Erstellung perfekter 1080p-Aufnahmen

 09  Daumenkino – Fun and Well Designed XNUMXD Animation Software

Preis: $XNUMX for FlipBook Lite, $XNUMX for FlipBook Studio, $XNUMX for FlipBook Pro, $XNUMX for FlipBook ProHD

Kompatibilität: Windows und OSX

Pro: From drawing, scanning to sound, this XNUMXD animation software can make you powerful video.

Nachteile: You can’t use it to make subtle changes as bone rigging is not available.

FlipBook is easy to use for beginners and pros who want to improve the editing experience. It is a powerful video editor that you can make XNUMXD animation with various functions like syncing sound with animation, scanning cells, and more.

If you like to make a cartoon video like a pro, this XNUMXD animation maker is best for you. It is free to download.


  • Changes will be made while you change the animation, so FlipBook is fast to use
  • You can use the shift key to make speed painting once you select one color
  • Ten layers in animation for adding extra touches
  • You can use a scanner to import images

 10  Reallusion CrazyTalk Animator – Professional XNUMXD Animation/Cartoon Software for Designers

Preis: USDXNUMX for the pipeline, USDXNUMX for pro.

Kompatibilität: Windows und OSX

Pro: You can always find the feature you like for beginners and professionals. You can control characters even in expression levels.

Nachteile: It integrates with PhotoShop to import and export video.

CrazyTalk is a XNUMXD animation maker for professional users, so you can use this one if you don’t know which one to use. It supports controlling characters with your expression and lip-syncing. It is popular among YouTubers, educators and marketers.


  • Capture real-time facial expression with precise changing
  • Black magic to turn the image into a moving cartoon
  • For advanced users, you can make XNUMXD visual effects

Preis: USDXNUMX for the pipeline, USDXNUMX for pro.

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Part XNUMX: How to Make XNUMXD Animation

 Schritte  Put forward an idea

A story ides is priceless. It is always important to build an essential story frame. Sometimes it is in a blink to have come up with an idea.

It will help if you decide the gist of your XNUMXD animation because the whole process of making animation is evolving. You may need to add or cut some scenes, but the overall concept and story ideas are always the same.

Put forward an idea

 Schritte  Make a storyboard

After all the ideas are fixed, you need to make a storyboard for animation. You don’t need to produce every scene, but it is suggested to make a storyboard in some crucial scenes. Storyboarding is probably the best way to show XNUMXD animation to other people and get feedback.

Thus, it is a step that you should not neglect during the preliminary.

make storyboard

 Schritte  Produce materials

At this stage, you need to prepare all the XNUMXD animation materials, including characters, background, and props. One thing you need to know is all the preparations in steps XNUMX and XNUMX should be ready before proceeding to step XNUMX.

Produce materials

 Schritte  Animation

After all, materials are ready, and you need to make animation alive. In this step, you need to make sure all the movements are natural. Stiff moves are not liked by the audience, so you need to think about how to design gestures, movements, and facial expressions.


 Schritte  Animation editing

In this step, the software is the key to relive the XNUMXD animation. Background audio is essential and needs to be added to the video. Color correction and grading are also necessary. Besides, scene transition, voiceover, and even text credit need to be added.

Above are the five XNUMXD animation steps. If you think there are extra steps, you are free to add them according to your needs.

Bonus-Tipp: Erstellen Sie ein Animationsvideo mit Anireel

Anireel bietet eine schnellere und reibungslosere Erfahrung bei der Erstellung animierter Videos mit anpassbaren Elementen, um jedermanns Fantasie zum Leben zu erwecken. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist Ihr Skript auszuwählen, den Inhalt einzugeben, und Anireel passt Ihr Skript sofort an reichhaltige animierte Erklärszenen an, wandelt den Text in Voice-Over um und erstellt ein lebendiges, vollständiges Animationsvideo.


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 Teil 3  FAQ about Professional XNUMXD Animation Software

 01  What is the best XNUMXD animation software?

It is hard to directly give you an answer and tell you which is the best XNUMXD animation software. However, we can give you some recommendations based on your needs. If you are a beginner, Bleistift 2D is a great start. You can use it to make minimalist animation to give you a quick-to-start XNUMXD animation experience. If you are in the middle level, Stoppen Sie Motion Studio is what we recommend. The interface is intuitive with powerful features like voiceover and Chroma key.

 02  What is the best XNUMXD animation software for beginners?

For XNUMXD animation software for beginners, Pencil XNUMXD would come to mind for many people. It is an excellent animation software for beginners. If you also want to try other tools, Synfig und Daumenkino are also great choices. It is your call for the final decision.

 03  Is there any free animation software?

For beginners, free animation software includes Synfig, Opentoonz, Maefloresta, and Pencil XNUMXD. For advanced users, you can use Mixer und Maya.


Creating a XNUMXD animation video is a lot easier when you have the right software available to you. You already have a script and storyboard in mind, but now you can realize your vision in intricate and unique ways.

If you want to make XNUMXD animation, there are also various XNUMXD animation software options for you. If anyone of the products above will serve you well, you could use FilmoraToolPro.

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