iPhone Silhouette fotograferingstips[2022]

Siluettfotografering kan vara ett bra experiment när du letar efter några out-of-the-box fotograferingstekniker. Om du tror att siluettfoto bara är ett mörkt foto, det finns mycket mer än vad du tror. Silhouetteteknik har förmågan att skapa en känsla av mystik, en speciell känsla samt fängslande former och lämnar betraktaren med en lust att skapa och utforska sambandet med bilden. Vi kommer att ge dig några imponerande tips för iPhone-silhuetter så att din bild får samma uppmärksamhet som du får när du får en glimt av siluettfoto.


Bildresurs: YouTube

Tips om hur du tar siluettbilder med din iPhone

Vad gör en bra siluett?

En bra siluettbild kan verkligen vara bra när man har en aning om det. Det första du bör vara medveten om när du väljer silhuettfoto är att se till vilket motiv du väljer. Du bör se till att ditt ämne har en övertygande och igenkännbar form. Bilden skulle också vara övertygande när den tas mot en nedgående sol, bakom en gardin eller lakan. Låt oss nu få tips och tekniker i detalj för perfekt siluettfotografering med din iPhone.


1. Ljuskälla

Silhouette photography can be best done when the shot is taken against the source of light. The camera sensor generally fails to interpret the shadow details unlike a human eye. And therefore shooting against the light will help in providing the best silhouette effect. It simply implies keeping the subject against the sunlight or other source of light to get an automatic silhouette and shadowy effect. The most excellent way for emphasized and perfect silhouette photography is ensuring to shoot when there is low sunlight i.e. the time of sunrise and sunset.


Image source: Digital Photo Secrets

2. Low POV

A yet another tip for silhouetting effect is capturing the view from a low angle. When you will get down a little lower and capture from a low angle, it will present the picture with a plain and simple background and there will be no clumsiness related to background. The photo taken from low point or by lying down on the ground will result in position changing of the subject and adding more interest to it.


Image source: Gettyimages

3. Lucid Backgrounds

Background is one of the chief things to be considered while doing any kind of photography. When you do iPhone silhouette snapping, a mess-free background is what you should take into account. Keeping sky as the background would be perfect choice and the silhouette photography will go perfect when there are clouds in the sky. The subject will acquire a really dramatic effect. Birds and trees are other suggestions for better backdrop of your picture. In short, you should always consider the background when you desire an ideal silhouetted photo. Also, low angle shoot will work here too.


Bildkälla: Pexels

4. Space is Essential

A very simple thing to keep in mind while going for silhouette photo moment is leaving enough space when the scene contains several subjects. This is important since it will become difficult to recognize the subject. For example, if there is a family silhouette photo, if you won’t give space, they will be difficult to identify separately in that shadowy effect. However, when shooting stationary subjects and they are very close, ensure a little change in the shooting angle. On the other hand, if shooting moving subjects, do it only when you feel a sufficient space between them.


Image source: astro-canada.ca

5. Ensuring Accurate Focus & Exposure

When you decide to take an iPhone silhouette photo, please note that iPhone offers a sound exposure that can help creating a pleasing silhouette. The device’s exposure is set automatically to the subject. In case of silhouette photography, it can happen that your subject is relatively large and when the exposure is automatically set to the subject, your silhouette picture can be destroyed ultimately fading the background. Therefore, in this case, you can just tap on the background place which is ideally the brightest part like cloud in the sky. This will in turn give a silhouette effect. Hence, setting focus and exposure accurately is necessary for processing exceptional silhouette photography.

6. Öka kontrasten

You can also apply post-production concept to get the remarkable silhouette effect in your snaps. This takes a little moderation in the photography after when you click it. You can use adjustments for a better silhouette effect by adding fair amount of light levels or darkness and highlight your subject. For the adjustments, increasing the contrast would be a recommended option to make the silhouette look darker and brighter. On the other hand, you can use a little amount of vignette effect at the outer range of the photo. This will bring better attention to your subject at the center and will make your silhouette photography moment perfect.


Bildkälla: Flickr